Sunday, 9 December 2012

Possible Problems on Shoot


We found that when we were filming the car scene that some people disrupted some of our shots by walking onto them, so obviously we had to wait for them to not be on the area of the location we needed to use (which was quite a big stretch of road). Furthermore, seeing as we were pretending to chase Adam in the car, one neighbour was a bit concerned by this, so we made sure to inform her on what we were doing (filming media coursework). We then informed the rest of the neighbours and they all agreed to let us film and not get in the way of our filming.

The road we selected to film on is not very busy which obviously means that there’s much less hassle regarding unwanted sound and getting in people’s way. Although the odd car does drive down the road, so we stopped accordingly to make sure we didn't cause any disruption, as well as explaining what we were doing to any driver who asked.

Another problem with using another person for our opening (Max’s Dad) was getting a time that was long enough and convenient enough for us to film. This is why we filmed that particular part in the weekend as he was off work.

With the bathroom scene, we just had to make sure Max’s Mum and Dad were out of the house to ensure that there was no unwanted background noise and that we wouldn’t be interrupted whilst filming. We also made sure to organize a set time slot with them, and fill them in on what exactly we would be doing.

This did not affect our filming so much as only a small portion of our opening was outside, it was quite cold in the middle of winter; but we made sure to wear appropriate clothing so this did not inhibit our work.

This was a much bigger issue, and one that we made sure to plan for as it started to go dark at about 4PM. We made sure to film at about midday so we had plenty of time to film, and, if necessary, film shots again if we weren’t happy with them. Then at about 4:30 – 5:00PM we started to film the interrogation scene as this is what we needed to achieve our chiaroscuro, low key; high contrast lighting that would establish the sinister mood we needed.
For the bathroom scene, we also made sure to film during the day as we needed day scene to contrast with the night scene as the binary opposite of good and evil.

As we were using a BB gun that looks very similar to an actual gun, we made sure that we didn’t use it outside as obviously people would assume that it is a real gun and this could get us in trouble with the Police for possession of firearms. It was of course fine to use it inside however.